

Panoramica 10 år

2024.10.9 Panoramica 10 år! Välkomna till årets programsläpp för Stockholms latinamerikanska filmfestival – Panoramica 2024, torsdagen den 5 september på La Olita med start kl. 17.30.

Panoramica On Tour!

2025.18.3 After the success of the 2024 spring tour, the Stockholm Latin American Film Festival is returning to the cities of Malmö, Uppsala, and Umeå during April with the 2024 festival favorite: La nieve entre los...

Panoramica On Tour 10 years!

2024.10.9 In 2015, Stockholm's first Latin American Film Festival was inaugurated with the aim of showing the latest films from the Latin American region in cinemas. For ten years, the festival has enabled the promotion...

Online film of the month – November

2024.10.9 Panoramica continues to present a film until autumn 2024 together with TriArt Play where the festival offers a handpicked film from TriArt's fine online archive every month starting from the 9th edition of the...

Panoramica Online!

2023.10.9 New for Panoramica this year is the collaboration with TriArt Play, where the festival will offer a handpicked film from our 'archive' every month, starting on September 28th.

The Festival Party 2023!

2024.10.9 On the Saturday of the festival, 30 September, Panoramica invites you to the traditional festival party starting at 21.00 at Morfar Ginko. This year, the festival celebrates its ninth anniversary with exciting...

The Festival Program for Panoramica 2023 is here!

2023.1.9 The 9th edition of the Stockholm Latin American Film Festival, Panoramica, opens at the Zita cinema with Andrés Ramírez Pulido's Colombian film La Jauría the 28th of September and then the festival...

Welcome to Panoramica 2020!

2020.19.9 Welcome to the sixth edition of Stockholm’s Latin American Film Festival – Panoramica, taking place the 24th to the 27th of September at the cinema Zita Folkets Bio and Online!