La Jauría
Zita Folkets BioThu 28 Sep 18.45
Buy ticketsBio BristolSun 01 Oct 17.00
Buy ticketsProduction Details
Director: Andrés Ramírez Pulido
Country: Colombia, France
Year: 2022
Duration: 86 min

Zita Folkets Bio
Birger Jarlsgatan 37
111 45 Stockholm
(T) Östermalmstorg
Zita Folkets Bio is the oldest autonomous cinema in Stockholm. The cinema’s task is to show quality films for both adults and children that do not usually appear on the bigger cinemas.
About the film
Eliú is incarcerated́ in an experimental minors’ center in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. One day, El Mono is transferred to the same center and brings with him a past that Eliú is trying to get away from.
Screened with English subtitles.