Productions details
Directors: Mariana Xochiquétzal Rivera, Aracely Méndez, Rodrigo Guzmán Espíndola
Country: Mexico
Duration: 50 min

Beridarbansgatan 5
111 51 Stockholm
(T) T-Centralen
Klarabiografen is located in the City Cultural Theatre and is equipped with the latest digital technology. In cooperation with other actors in the film industry, the hall aims to be a center for quality cinema in Stockholm.
About the film
The three short films included in this year’s program all share a sense of urgency in discussing the violence experienced by women in Mexico and Central America. Migrant women seeking refuge, desperate mothers searching for their missing daughters, and women organizing against femicides – the protagonists of these films embody resilience, strength, and solidarity.
The Echo of Her Voice
Through photographs, dreams and unanswered questions, Paulina’s presence lives on in the daily life of Margarita, her mother. In a search for justice for her daughter’s death, Margarita discovers that her voice can form part of a larger struggle that has emerged in the face of the current wave of femicides in Mexico.
Rodrigo Guzmán Espíndola | Mexiko | 2023 | 14 min
The Sky is Very Pretty
A shelter in southern Mexico offers a safe space for migrant and refugee women and girls. There we can see the contrast between the fear of an uncertain future, the desires of a mother and the joy and dreams of her daughters.
Aracely Méndez | Mexiko | 2022 | 17 min
Flores de la llanura
Yecenia, a young weaver, is mourning because her cousin, Silvia, has been a victim of femicide. She and other weavers create a collective ritual to honor Silvia’s life. Like the cotton thread they use, their dreams and textile knowledge are collectively intertwined in an act of healing.
Mariana Xochiquétzal Rivera | Mexiko | 2021 | 19 min