Production Details
Director: Amparo Aguilar
Country: Argentina
Year: 2022
Duration: 75 min

Zita Folkets Bio
Birger Jarlsgatan 37
111 45 Stockholm
(T) Östermalmstorg
Zita Folkets Bio is the oldest autonomous cinema in Stockholm. The cinema’s task is to show quality films for both adults and children that do not usually appear on the bigger cinemas.
About the film
The Aguilar siblings, the descendants of the famous yet forgotten Aguilar Quartet, find the soundtrack of the only surrealist film shot in Argentina, ‘Tararira’, from 1936. By enacting different family characters, like the Marx brothers would have done, they try to understand when it was that everything was lost.
Webinar about Archives as a Source and Agents of Change taking place in the same screening room with start 17:00.