Production details
Country: Panama
Year: 2014
Duration: 94 min
Direction: Abner Benaim

Beridarbansgatan 5
111 51 Stockholm
(T) T-Centralen
Klarabiografen is located in the City Cultural Theatre and is equipped with the latest digital technology. In cooperation with other actors in the film industry, the hall aims to be a center for quality cinema in Stockholm.
About the film
Invasion documents the collective memory and willful amnesia of Panamanian filmmaker Abner Benaim’s fellow countrymen, about the 1989 US Invasion. The film is a platform to talk about the perils of sovereignty, democracy and endangered virtues of today’s ultra-capitalist world. Invasion not only explores the mechanisms in which memory is turned into history, but holds a mirror to the present to show how our recent past shapes new Panama.
In connection to the seminar Memory and documentary film!