The Lost Voice
La voz perdida
Production details
Direction: Marcelo Martinessi
Country: Paraguay, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina
Year: 2016
Duration: 12'
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English

Zita Folkets Bio
Birger Jarlsgatan 37
111 45 Stockholm
(T) Östermalmstorg
Zita Folkets Bio is the oldest autonomous cinema in Stockholm. The cinema’s task is to show quality films for both adults and children that do not usually appear on the bigger cinemas.
About the film
In the middle of an eviction to a community in Paraguay, eleven farmers and six policemen died in the so-called massacre of Curuguaty in 2012. The Lost Voice is a documentary that asks about the recent history of Paraguay from images of a failed fiction and a recording of a real story.
Included in a program of five short films that reflect on the challenges that Latin American girls and adolescents face in their transition to adulthood.