You’ll Never Be Alone
Nunca vas a estar solo
Production details
Direction: Alex Anwandter
Country: Chile
Year: 2016
Duration: 81'
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English

Archived: Bio Rio
Honrstull Stand 3
117 39 Stockholm
(T) Hornstull
Bio Rio is one of the few theaters in Stockholm with a history dating back to 1940. The cinema keeps its original state and today offers Cine Bar, Cinema Clubs and more.
About the film
After his gay teenage son is badly beaten up by some homophobic youngsters, Juan struggles between having to pay his son’s exorbitant medical bills and his last attempt at making partner at his company. As he runs into dead-ends and unexpected betrayals, Juan will realise that he has made too many mistakes, but his son can still be saved.
Nominated for Best Feature Film 2017.
Content note: Explicit violence.