The Joy of Sound
La felicidad del sonido
Production details
Direction: Ana Endara
Country: Panama
Year: 2016
Duration: 60'
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English

Beridarbansgatan 5
111 51 Stockholm
(T) T-Centralen
Klarabiografen is located in the City Cultural Theatre and is equipped with the latest digital technology. In cooperation with other actors in the film industry, the hall aims to be a center for quality cinema in Stockholm.
About the film
What we hear is a vibration in the air, a vibration no one sees. Sound is invisible, but it drives us; it makes us cry, laugh, remember and dance; it rattles our insides, it moves us. Through a series of outlandish characters, The Joy of Sound takes the viewer on a voyage of the senses, as it reflects on nature, communal life, solitude and silence.