Your Parents Will Come Back
Tus padres volverán
Production details
Country: Uruguay
Year: 2015
Duration: 80 min
Direction: Pablo Martínez Pessi

Beridarbansgatan 5
111 51 Stockholm
(T) T-Centralen
Klarabiografen is located in the City Cultural Theatre and is equipped with the latest digital technology. In cooperation with other actors in the film industry, the hall aims to be a center for quality cinema in Stockholm.
About the film
In 1983 a group of 154 children, between 3 and 17 years old, flew alone from Europe to Montevideo. They were children of political exiled from Uruguay, who unable to return to their country, sent their children to know their relatives and their country of origin. This human, but with a political message, gesture influenced forever the identity and the development of these children. Today, 6 of them remember the day a crowd received them singing “your parents will come back”.
In connection to the seminar Memory and documentary film!