Production details
Country: Chile
Year: 2015
Duration: 80 min
Direction: Bettina Perut and Iván Osnovikoff

Beridarbansgatan 5
111 51 Stockholm
(T) T-Centralen
Klarabiografen is located in the City Cultural Theatre and is equipped with the latest digital technology. In cooperation with other actors in the film industry, the hall aims to be a center for quality cinema in Stockholm.
About the film
Salar de Surire, a salt flat in the Chilean Andes at an altitude of 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). The last original inhabitants of the region look on in resignation from a distance at the exploitation of their habitat. Meanwhile, they tend to their llamas, subject the dog to a risky-looking trim and prepare for a trip into town. Perut and Osnovikoff document this disappearing world using their characteristic and highly articulate visual idiom, particularly recognizable for its grand wide shots and the pin-sharp extreme close-ups.
In connection to the seminar Film, environment and indigenous people!